my valuable time in the road.
Like Robert Kiyosaki says "Mind Your Own Business". So the first thing you need to change is your MINDSET. If you never have your own business before and you always work with others then you need to change your employee mindset into a business owner mindset.
It's not easy to start your own business. You need to start it with the right attitude. The attitude will define your success in future. You must understand that building a business is NOT a get rich quick scheme. It takes time before you will get the fruits of the business. Every successful business owners start their business from nothing with struggles and perseverance.
Its pretty similar with body building, you need to spend enough time and effort before you start seeing your muscle increasing in mass.
Try to ask yourself, Am I a risk taker? it means willingness to learn and try again if failing, 100% business owners will succeed just because they have "Never Quit" attitude.
Do I have time and money to be invested into my business?
Most people who quit doing their home based business is just because they don't treat it like other business. You must realise that ALL business needs TIME & MONEY to be invested. You need to make an INVESTMENT. Fortunately with the internet, home business owner can leverage their time and money.
Author Heri Rosyadi