Basic Bodybuilding Workout Exercises and Techniques

Either do all the exercises correctly, or don't do them at all. Don't follow an exercise technique that doesn't feel right to you. Avoid any exercises that cause you pain.

Purpose: develop the trapezius.
Execution: Stand with arms at your sides and a heavy dumbell in each hand. Raise your shoulders as high as you can. Imagine trying to touch your ears with your shoulders. Hold for a slight pause, then release and lower back down. Lift the weights with your shoulders only. Try to use your arms and hands as hooks for the weights, and don't lift with your arms. Keep your shoulders square and lift the weights simultaneously. Keep weight under control at all times. Don't get into a sloppy continuous rhythm. Using straps can help you grip the weight better.
Variations: Instead of shrugging with a pair of dumbells, you can use a barbell, or even the handles of a Universal bench-press machine.
Points to avoid: Avoid lifting the dumbells with your arms and avoid bending forward or hunching - this often happens when too much weight is being used.

Purpose: develop the outer delts.
Execution: Hold the handle of a cable (floor pulley). Stand with your arm down and across your body. Place your free hand for example on your hip for balance. In a steady motion pull the cable outward and upward to your side. Keep your arm straight and lift until it's slightly higher than your shoulder........

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