Preacher Curl Bench/The Best Way to Train Biceps

first started lifting weights in 1972 (yeah, I have been around the iron game for a very long time) and I saw the above picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger in a muscle magazine during the summer of 1973. No one knew who Arnold was yet outside of a few hardcore bodybuilding fans but I sure did. As a 17 year old kid, I was so awed and inspired by this picture that I had to cut it out of the magazine, hang it on my basement wall, and immediately start doing Preacher Curls (confident of course that I would one day become Mr. Olympia too!). Back in those days, bodybuilding equipment made for a home gym hardly existed and I had to improvise by doing my curls over the back of an incline bench with a single dumbbell at a time. While that version of the exercise was crude and very uncomfortable, I immediately realized that this was the strictest and most productive version of a curl that I could ever do. To this day, I train my biceps exclusively on a Preacher Curl Bench in my own gym. Because my front delts became so strong from bench pressing, I have trouble isolating my biceps with almost any other type of curl. Doing standing dumbbell or barbell curls, or even incline dumbbell curls,.......

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