The History of Synthetic Testosterone

The History of Synthetic Testosterone Testosterone has long been banned in sports as a performance-enhancing drug. This use may soon be accepted in medicine alongside other legitimate hormonal therapies (by John M. Hoberman and Charles E. Yesalis ) On June 1, 1889, Charles Edouard Brown-Sequard, a prominent French physiologist, announced at the Societe de Biologie in Paris that he had devised a rejuvenating therapy for the body and mind. The 72-year-old professor reported that he had drastically reversed his own decline by injecting himself with a liquid extract derived from the testicles of dogs and guinea pigs. These injections, he told his audience, had increased his physical strength and intellectual energy, relieved his constipation and even lengthened the arc of his urine.

Almost all experts, including some .......

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Forced Reps - An Exciting Variation On An Old Principle

It's called the Touch System of Forced Reps training, and it provides some interesting extra dimensions in the quest for muscular development.

The terrific surge in muscle development in the past 15 years has practically exhausted the effects of the known training principles. It seems that every conceivable variation has been applied to Supersets. Tri-Sets, Mass-Density, Iso-Tension Concentration, Flushing and all the other Weider Principles. Not the least exploited has been the Forced Reps method of training.

Anybody who's been in this game any length of the remembers how fellows like Marvin Eder, Reg Park and Clancy Ross first used their private variations of the Weider Forced Reps Principle. I created it, the Weider Research Clinic popularized it, and the concept was heralded by the Olympians as a real break through in training for muscle strength and size.

The Forced Reps Principle, as any advanced bodybuilder knows, is based on partner assistance, although the same effect can be produced to some degree by different kinds of body English or cheating.

Today's trend toward higher reps and fast-paced Quality Training for bringing out definition has practical precluded the Forced Reps way of dong things. But as the search continues for ways of build ling bigger and better muscles, bodybuilding has to revert to a kind of "back-to-nature" movement.

More and more the systems for training have become "personalized" through the use of the Weider Instinctive Training Principle. One by one, the individual methods of the superstars have been divulged in training articles. You can see how the champs use every known device -- and some unknown -- to excite their muscles. Some transcend the mundane. Fellows like Frank Zane have unified mind and body to make training almost ethereal. Mike Mentzer takes blowtorch workouts, the repetitions and weight being applied with such intensity he almost seems to mold his muscles to suit his purpose. Arnold would saturation bomb for three hours a day, using the Weider Double-Split. Each in his own way has probed the unknown.

Although this system isn't devised for the beginner, it would behoove him to familiarize himself with it. He may be ready for it sooner than he thinks.

What follows really concerns the guy who has already conquered many other sticking points but desperately needs something new to break through to championship muscularity.

Basically, the Forced Reps, methods amounts to you, your exercise movement and an able assistant or two. Let's suppose you are working on your biceps and are using the regular Barbell Curl with .......

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How Many Reps?

bet you a thousand to one that you have thought about training for strength alone because you know that come the day you can curl and press over 200 pounds. or squat and bench over 400 lbs., you would have some pretty hefty development to go along with the strength. Seeing men like Paul Anderson, Larry Pacifico, Alexeev, Kazmeier, etc, and understanding that they belong to an elite group of the world's most powerful men, and further understanding that they all have enormous body size, one could be forgiven for thinking that the best way to get big is to train with very low reps (for strength) and the size will come automatically.

The truth is that almost any type of weight training, if practiced for just a couple of reps, or with twenty reps (as long s it gets progressively more difficult each week or so), will bring about muscular gain.

Okay! I hear you ..."But what is the best system for maximum gains? How many reps will tell you something different. You hear dogmatic statements from whomever you care to talk to. Go to any gym and ask around...some will tell you three reps per set is best. Others will insist on ten or even twenty. Chances are, you'll get a different answer from each person you ask. Who the heck is right?

Well, let's look at the record. Who did what? Jack Delinger, Mr. Universe 1956, did sets .......

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Pec Up the Pace - Build Big Pecs / Chest

To build a champion's chest, every season must be a growing season.

Contrary to what we like to believe, progress is really an evolution toward greater simplicity rather than complexity, and this has been especially evident in bodybuilding during the past few years.

Not too long ago, we were obsessed with details, with off season vs. pre contest training, with precision training regimens, with keeping computerized records so detailed that we collapsed into bed at night exhausted more from mental than physical fatigue. Lately, however, we've discovered that such detail work does more to stifle our growth than enhance it. Quite simply, by obeying all those rules, we are not giving ourselves room to stretch our physical boundaries.

I got in on the tail end of that complicated style of bodybuilding and gradually but modestly improved. As soon as I started training the way I really wanted to, however, I seemed to grow visibly by the day. It was as if I had been set free.


Perhaps the best example of these liberating changes can be seen in my chest training. In the past, I never would have thought of letting my off-season training creep over into my pre-contest period by even one day. There was off-sea on and the was pre-contest, and never did the two meet.

Now, there is no such thing as off-season and pre contest chest training for me. There's only chest training, and that means lifting as heavy as I can every time I enter the gym. I train this way right up to a show. During pre-contest, the only difference I make is adding a couple more cable movements in the hope that they will accelerate my definition. Still, my philosophy is: Where there was once a season for growing and a season for getting cut, there is no only one season that lasts for 12 months, and that season is for growth. Period.

While before I carefully mapped out high-and low-repetition cycles, now I think only in terms of low reps. Those are the only ones that do any good, so summer, winter autumn, whoever, I keep my .......

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The Squat ...For Everything?

I want to dwell on a topic which I feel is of great importance of every reader of this article, whether his interest be in big muscles, great strength or superb condition and health. We want to dwell more at length on the latter though we wish to emphasize the others as well.

We have often called the squat the "King of Exercises." We call it this because we truly believe that this is so. Many, many years ago, back in the late thirties and early forties, the squat first came into prominence when Mark Berry promoted it extensively, first in the old "Strength' magazine then his "Strong Man" magazine, and later in this "Physical Training Simplified." During this time, also back in 1936, Iron Man began publication and its primary object for many years was the promotion of the squat as a superior exercise. If you have old issues of .......

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The Way to Massive, Peaked Biceps

The shape and muscularity of a muscle group should be foremost and size secondary. This is particularly true when developing the peaked biceps, for if they are trained sullenly, in the conventional manner, even using heavy weights, you will attain great size but will lack the beauty and symmetrical contour which would make them appear as your outstanding physical attribute.

To achieve the ultimate in size, shape and definition you must practice isolation contraction movements in your biceps curls. No other method of curling will put that finished look to them.

The biceps will ball up only to the degree that it is forced. The more complete contraction you subject it to, the more it will be able to project, as it were. Try this simple test and discover how the muscle will increase in its contractile intensity as it moves through a greater range of movement.

Hold your arm out to the side at shoulder level. Now flex the arm and curl the biceps tensely and bring the fist to the shoulder. At this point the biceps feel very tight and tense. Now, raise the elbow until it is overhead and behind the neck. Now contract the biceps more and you will feel it ache and really ball up more than at any time before; this is muscular contraction at its greatest.

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When Pigs Fly!

In an article in the September '95 Flex ("A Case of Mystic Delirium"), Mike Mentzer mystically ignores my concerns raised over his one valid training theory behind bodybuilding success when, shades of Charles Atlas, he suggests I order his courses.

While he admits growing tired of answering his critics, Mike erroneously accuses me of attacking him personally. As I pointed out in an article I wrote for another magazine, I gain nothing by demeaning Mike Mentzer, nor would I want to demean him, nor could I, for that matter. I like and respect Mike for standing up for what he believes. Not too many people do that today.

I do feel Mike overreached in his response to my article, accusing me of vile impertinence and impeachment of his character (check out the quote in another issue of Flex wherein Mike refers to Franco Columbu as "Arnold's weak-willed namby-pamby lackey"). Mike's response reminds me of the saying, "If you can't convince someone of something, then try to confuse him."

Mike argues that unlike his and Arthur Jones' bodybuilding teachings -- which are the only rational, scientific and valid theoretical-based teachings in his opinion -- the rest of bodybuilding is predicated on what he calls pseudo science, a hopeless batch of erroneous assumptions strewn together haplessly, in no particular way, and this is why so many bodybuilders fail to make the grade.

Sounds convincing, I can agree with Mike that bodybuilding is at best a pseudo science, but where we differ is that I believe bodybuilding doesn't really need to be anything more than that, and I don't think it ever can be. Unlike an exact science like geometry, universal dogma has little place in bodybuilding. Sometime it makes little sense to apply scientific principles to art, too.

As I alluded to, the one-valid-theory premise -- in relation to intensity, volume, adaptation and training -- doesn't explain the results an methods of many successful bodybuilders .......

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Preacher Curl Bench/The Best Way to Train Biceps

first started lifting weights in 1972 (yeah, I have been around the iron game for a very long time) and I saw the above picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger in a muscle magazine during the summer of 1973. No one knew who Arnold was yet outside of a few hardcore bodybuilding fans but I sure did. As a 17 year old kid, I was so awed and inspired by this picture that I had to cut it out of the magazine, hang it on my basement wall, and immediately start doing Preacher Curls (confident of course that I would one day become Mr. Olympia too!). Back in those days, bodybuilding equipment made for a home gym hardly existed and I had to improvise by doing my curls over the back of an incline bench with a single dumbbell at a time. While that version of the exercise was crude and very uncomfortable, I immediately realized that this was the strictest and most productive version of a curl that I could ever do. To this day, I train my biceps exclusively on a Preacher Curl Bench in my own gym. Because my front delts became so strong from bench pressing, I have trouble isolating my biceps with almost any other type of curl. Doing standing dumbbell or barbell curls, or even incline dumbbell curls,.......

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Mind and Muscle - Linking It All Together

The mind-muscle connection. This mentality is nothing new. In the late 80's and early 90's it seemed to be a body building buzz word. But with all the supplement advertising and steroid news, it seems to have fallen through the cracks to some degree.

What is the mind-muscle connection?
The mind to muscle connection is to use your mind to connect with the muscle you are training and to actually envision the motion, the tension, the growth and power you need to push yourself to another level.

One thing that is key for anyone is that you have to believe that the subconscious can aid in your workout. Seems a little hard to.......

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Bodybuilder Bulking

Bodybuilder Bulking


What is bulking?
It is usual to define the bulking phase of a bodybuilder's diet by what it is not; however it is simply 'a systematic attempt to gain muscle'. If you want to add 'and strength' to that sentence then that's fine, just remember you can get stronger without adding muscle, but you can't add muscle without getting even the smallest bit stronger.

Bulking and cutting are the productive phases of bodybuilding; bulking is the addition and cutting the subtraction. When cutting you are removing body fat while trying not to lose muscle – conversely in bulking you are trying to add muscle without adding too much fat.

What about lean bulking and clean bulking?
You will hear these terms over and over again, they are purportedly ways of not adding fat while maximising muscle mass, or even the holy grail of losing body fat and adding muscle at the same time. They are certainly very attractive, but they are not the most effective! Simply put, you cannot serve two masters; focus on two things at the same time and you limit the possibility of gaining success at either. Not to say there is nothing good in the systems that fall under those headings; a concentration on healthy foods and.......

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Split Routines: Are They the Death of Productive Training?

I have come to the following conclusion, after considerable research and study of much of the available material regarding the training methods and results of the so-called ?old timers?, as well as current training methods and results: the 'split' routine has been the death of productive strength training and muscle building. Allow me to explain the reasoning behind this possibly shocking revelation?

First, I shall clarify what I mean by 'split' routine. As most of us are probably aware, the conventional use of the phrase split routine comes from bodybuilding; it refers to structuring ones training routine around the individual body parts/muscle groups. One example: Working chest, shoulders, and triceps one day, back and biceps the next, and legs the third day. Another, even worse (and you'll understand why by the end of the article), example: Legs one day, back one day, chest one day, shoulders one day, and arms one day. As I said, these are conventional examples of split routines, the type of things you would invariably find in what have been referred to as the 'muscle comics' -- because what you find inside these 'comics' is so far-fetched and ridiculous, it has absolutely no resemblance to reality!

Another, more practical, type of split routine, would be to split the lifts -- take a handful of the big, compound, multi-joint exercises and work two or three each time you train. As you will soon see, this type of split can be very effective. For example: squats, pull-ups, and overhead presses one day, deadlifts and bench press another day.......

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Learn From My Mistakes By Dave Draper

1. What do you feel is the single greatest trait (genetics, discipline, intensity, etc.) that led to your success in bodybuilding and why?

Nothing I possessed in the way of structure or body chemistry was outstanding. A six-foot frame with a large bone structure is certainly an advantage for which I am thankful, but they didn’t separate me from the crowd. Further, I didn’t have a burning ambition or dream to become a champion, a nuclear scientist or the President. I did have in my growing years, however, a simplistic approach on all projects undertaken… still do. What do I want? Is it sensible and worthwhile and how do I -- with common sense -- accomplish it? Once the questions are answered (guesses count), do it. Here you have a goal, focus and commitment.

It is during the simple process of achieving that one develops those grand habits and character qualities more valuable than blue chips or chocolate chips. Determination is one competent ally in gaining anything we have positioned before us. And determination spawns discipline, the thick leather reins that prompt and lead the untamable animal. The sum of determination and discipline is perseverance, the impenetrable armor of warriors.

So, keep your eye on that worthy goal; choose .......

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Basic Bodybuilding Workout Exercises and Techniques

Either do all the exercises correctly, or don't do them at all. Don't follow an exercise technique that doesn't feel right to you. Avoid any exercises that cause you pain.

Purpose: develop the trapezius.
Execution: Stand with arms at your sides and a heavy dumbell in each hand. Raise your shoulders as high as you can. Imagine trying to touch your ears with your shoulders. Hold for a slight pause, then release and lower back down. Lift the weights with your shoulders only. Try to use your arms and hands as hooks for the weights, and don't lift with your arms. Keep your shoulders square and lift the weights simultaneously. Keep weight under control at all times. Don't get into a sloppy continuous rhythm. Using straps can help you grip the weight better.
Variations: Instead of shrugging with a pair of dumbells, you can use a barbell, or even the handles of a Universal bench-press machine.
Points to avoid: Avoid lifting the dumbells with your arms and avoid bending forward or hunching - this often happens when too much weight is being used.

Purpose: develop the outer delts.
Execution: Hold the handle of a cable (floor pulley). Stand with your arm down and across your body. Place your free hand for example on your hip for balance. In a steady motion pull the cable outward and upward to your side. Keep your arm straight and lift until it's slightly higher than your shoulder........

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Bodybuilder's Grocery List

Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast
Tuna (water packed)
Fish (salmon, seabass, halibut)
Extra Lean Ground Beef or Ground Round (92-96%)
Protein Powder
Egg Whites or Eggs
Ribeye Steaks or Roast
Top Round Steaks or Roast (aka Stew Meat, London Broil, Stir Fry)
Top Sirloin (aka Sirloin Top Butt)
Beef Tenderloin (aka Filet, Filet Mignon)
Top Loin (NY Strip Steak)
Flank Steak (Sir Fry, Fajita)
Eye of Round (Cube Meat, Stew Meat, Bottom Round , 96% LeandGround Round)
Ground turkey, Turkey Breast Slices or cutlets (fresh meat, not deli cuts), ground chicken


Oatmeal (Old Fashioned or Quick Oats)
Sweet Potatoes
Beans (pinto, black, kidney)
Oat Bran Cereal
Rye Cereal
Brown Rice
Farina (Cream of Wheat)
Multigrain Hot Cereal
Whole wheat or Spinach Pasta
Rice (white, jasmine, basmati, Arborio, wild)
Potatoes (red, baking, new)


Green Leafy Lettuce
String Beans
Bell Peppers
Brussels Sprouts
Green or Red Pepper


: bananas, apples, grapefruit, peaches, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, lemons or limes


Natural Style Peanut Butter
Olive Oil or Safflower Oil
Nuts (peanuts, almonds
Flaxseed Oil


Low-fat cottage cheese
Low or Non-Fat Milk
Bottled Water


Diet Soda
Crystal Light
Fat Free Mayonnaise
Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce
Reduced Sodium Teriyaki Sauce
Balsamic Vinegar
Hot Peppers and Hot Sauce
Chili powder
Mrs. Dash
Steak Sauce
Sugar Free Maple Syrup
Chili Paste
Extracts (vanilla, almond, etc )
Low Sodium beef or chicken broth
Plain or reduced sodium tomatoes sauce, puree, paste)

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12 Steps to a Bigger Bench

1 - Train the Triceps
Years ago, if you had asked Larry Pacifico how to get a big bench, he'd
have told you to train the triceps. This same advice applies today. This
doesn't mean doing set after set of pushdowns, kickbacks, and other
so-called "shaping" exercises. Training your triceps for a big bench has
to involve heavy extensions and close-grip pressing movements such as
close-grip flat and incline bench presses, close-grip board presses, and
JM presses.

Various barbell and dumbbell extensions should also be staples of your
training program. Don't let anyone try to tell you the bench press is
about pec strength. These people don't know the correct way to bench and
are setting you up for a short pressing career with sub-par weights. I
just read an article in one of the major muscle magazines by one of
these authors on how to increase your bench press........

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Squat vs. Leg Press for Big Legs

Question: I was wondering if, for hypertrophy purposes, there is any real advantage using bar bell squats instead of leg presses. Looking at things from perhaps an oversimplified perspective, the leg press seems to have the same joint movements and muscle lengthening/stretching as the squat - plus it’s a lot safer for the lower back.

I’m guessing it may come down to maximum load that can be moved. But can people squat more than they can leg press? Also, I’d be surprised if it were practical to use loads >1RM (negatives) for a squat, whereas on a leg press machine with a partner or two it is quite easily done.

I’m thinking the squat just ‘feels’ harder because of all the stabilizers that are used and there is more need for proper technique to make it safe. I know a lot of power lifting purists will scream that the squat is the king of exercises, yada yada yada, but for leg/glute hypertrophy, what is the advantage? Some people also seem to think squatting causes more testosterone and or GH release but is there any solid evidence of this? I would doubt it.

Answer: First and foremost, while I’m sure my answer will offend the hardcore/hardheaded lifters, there is no requirement .......

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10 Bite Sized Mass Building Tips by Chris Aceto

Bump Up Your Protein
Most bodybuilding experts advocate consuming at least one gram (g) of protein per pound of bodyweight daily. To accelerate the muscle building process, I'm advising that you increse your daily protein intake to one and a half to two grams per pound of bodyweight. Increasing protein intake helps to enhance protein synthesis while preventing protein breakdown. The net effect is anabolism (gaining quality muscle size) rather than catabolism (getting smaller due to losing muscle mass).

Jack Up The Carbs
Ingesting three grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight daily will provide your body with plenty of calories for energy, ensuring that your protein derived calories will be left to support muscle growth and repair. Another cheery result of increasing carbs is that the body won't tear down muscle tissue for energy during training.

Eat The Right Fats
All fats are not created equal. the omega-3 fatty acids........

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The more I change, the more everything remains the same. In other words, the more I grow, the more convinced I am that what I'm doing is what works best and the less likely I am to change it. That's a common-sense approach to anything in life, but an especially sure-fire formula for bodybuilding.
So, for all of you valued fans out there who beg me to

Instead, dig in, tether yourself to the basics and forge ahead. That's what works slickest and quickest. It's tried and true, and it's what I do. So if you want to do what I do, within your own strength limitations, heed the following.

The 11 Year Stretch -
Analyze the workouts I'm revealing here, and you'll see that I'm using the same exercises and the same basic principles as I did when I turned pro 11 years ago: extremely heavy poundages; high reps; hit each bodypart twice a week with alternating workouts, one for power, the other for muscle separation; and there's no such thing as precontest training.

My offseason routine is my precontest routine. Nothing changes in terms of sets, reps, schedule, you name it, right up to the day of the show. If you've been wondering how I can take to the stage with the same amount of mass I carry during the offseason, that explanation should solve the mystery.

Beyond those immutable principles, you'll find that.........

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How to Build Muscle with Compound Movements

Do you want to know how to build muscle with compound movements? Of course you do! So to get started it is important to have an understanding of these exercises. Compound exercises are exactly what they sound like. They are exercises that work a combination of two or more muscle groups rolled into one exercise. They act to shore up as many muscle groups as possible. By working several muscle groups at the same time these exercises prove to be very effective.

A compound exercise acts like a penny pinching boss, forcing your body to work harder then ever. The results that can be received in the end are well worth the efforts. These movements are guaranteed to give a jolting type challenge to the body. Then your body will adapt by building larger, more powerful muscles. So you are eager to learn what exercises will help you with how to build muscle with compound movements right? Then the following movements are the exercises you will need to learn.

The bench press is a fundamental compound exercise for the upper body. It produces strength and growth not only for the chest muscles but for the front deltoids and triceps as well. Lie on your back on a flat bench, keep your but in contact with the bench and your feet on the floor for balance. Take an overhand grip on the barbell with your hands more than shoulder-width apart. Inhale and slowly lower the barbell until it reaches your chest. Press the weight back up exhaling as you complete the movement.

The deadlift exemplifies how to build muscle with compound movements.

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Ten Most Common Causes of Training Injury

Weight training isn't a picnic or a walk in the park; it's sweaty, gut busting work that, if done correctly, has you treading the thin line between growth and injury. If you train intensely - the only kind of training that stimulates growth - you continually flirt with muscle damage. Rubbing up against the danger zone is where the muscular gains lie.

Injury is always just ahead for the careless weight trainer. There's something inherently dangerous about pushing, tugging and straining against cold, hard iron with all your might. But how else are you going to stimulate those gains? Because the quickest way to sidetrack progress or derail a bodybuilding career is through debilitating injury, you need to be a bit clairvoyant, learning to avoid injuries before they happen. You can accomplish this by listening to your body's feedback and then making the appropriate adjustments. Here are the 10 most common causes of injury - let the bodybuilder beware.

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The Three S's - Three Keys To Creating Muscle

Stimulate, Supply, and Signal.
Contrary to popular belief, training is not the only way to stimulate muscle growth. In fact the biggest growth spurts for the average person occur in the absence of any intention to increase muscle mass (adolescent development and puberty).

A good example to illustrate the various ways of stimulating hypertrophy is with arm training. Everyone says you need to perform whole body compound movements and gain 10-15 lbs. overall scale weight to gain an inch on your arms right? However, you’ll routinely see guys at the gym who increase their arms by an inch or more without gaining a pound. You’ll see plenty of guys with big upper bodies who probably don't even know what a deadlift is. You know they didn't start out big because their lower bodies are skinny. Same thing for guys with big arms, but rather normal sized upper bodies and pencil necks. Is this just genetics or what’s going on here?

Additionally, you have “gurus” saying that it doesn’t take “extra” nutrition to grow muscle. They give examples of guys who gain significant amounts of muscle eating 1500 calories per day of fast food and pop tarts. On the other hand, you have guys who won’t gain an ounce unless they really tie on the feed bag and take a hardcore no holds barred attitude when it comes to spending hours at the dinner table and driving that scale weight up. So what’s going on here?

To understand all this it helps to understand the 3 keys for growth:
A. Stimulation – Training (load, density, volume etc)
B. Supply (nutrient and protein intake)
C. Signaling (anabolic hormones, testosterone, insulin etc.)

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Body Fat Calculation and Health

Body Fat Calculation and Health
The higher your percentage of fat above average levels, the higher your health risk for weight-related illness, like heart disease, high blood pressure, gallstones, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and certain cancers. Also, the higher your percentage of fat (and the smaller your percentage of muscle) the less calories you need to maintain your weight and therefore the easier it is to gain weight. This is because muscle is more metabolically active than fat tissue.

Body Fat Percentages and Lean Muscle Mass
When in ideal shape, body fat will make up about 15% - 18% of a male's body
weight and 18% - 22% of a female's. The remainder of the body's "lean weight"
is composed of water (55%-60%), muscle and other lean tissue (10%-20%), and
bone and minerals (6%-8%). In other words, a 150-pound woman who is within or
close to her ideal body fat composition range at 22% will have approximately
33 pounds of fat, 86 pounds of weight composed primarily of water, 20 pounds
of muscle and other lean tissue, and 11 pounds of bone and mineral weight.
This total then makes up her total weight of 150 lbs.

Now take the example of another woman who weights 150 pounds, but has 30%
fat on her body. She would have 45 pounds of fat on her body, and the rest of
her weight would be divided among muscle, bone and water. Her non fat body
composition might look like this, 79 pounds of water (53%), 17 pounds of
muscle (12%), and 9 pounds of bone and minerals (6%). Both women weight 150
lbs. and are about the same height, but one looks much different because she
has less body fat.

Body fat percentage is generally accepted as a better gauge of weight loss
progress and fitness than scale weight. The method of calculating body fat
from body measurements as used by HealthSmart Nutrition is the fourth most
accurate method. Hydrostatic testing underwater is first. Electrical testing
of body mass resistance is second and body fat measurement by caliper is
third. Although it is not the most accurate, if you record your measurements
carefully and consistently using the measurement taking instructions given,
you will have a good relative gauge of how much body fat you are gaining or
losing. To our knowledge, the HealthKeeper software is the first program to offer this body fat percentage by measurement feature.

For higher accuracy you can override the automatic body fat measurement calculator and enter your body fat percentages done by hydrostatic testing underwater, electrostatic testing of body mass resistance or body fat percentage done by the caliper method. One product we highly recommend is the Tanita bathroom scale. It does very accurate electrostatic testing of body mass resistance to determine your body fat percentage in seconds.

The more accurate of method you use for tracking your body fat percentage the more accurately you will be able to use
the Lean Body Weight tracker.

More about Lean Body Weight
The two most important graphs and statistics you want to watch to find out if you are making true and honest progress on your weight loss diet or body building program are, body fat percentage and lean body weight. Increasing lean body weight (mostly muscle mass) is important because if you body fat is going down into your ideal range and your lean body weight is going up you will be able to eat more calories without gaining weight and, it will be easier to maintain your desired body fat percentage when you reach your goal. This is because more lean body weight (composed of increased muscle mass) raises the body's basal metabolic rate
(BMR) and the calories your body burns even when you are doing nothing.

If you body fat is going down to your ideal range and your lean body weight is going up you should be absolutely ecstatic. You have attained two of the three holy grails of honest and lasting weight loss. (The third is keeping within your ideal body fat range for 3-5 years after getting there.)

In spite of lean body weight being such a vital statistic to honest weight loss,
the Performance Diet is the only program and software we know that tracks it. (To track you lean body weight make sure you have used one of the 4 methods of body fat tracking and your body percentage is entered in your Personal Profile. Then go to the Graphing mode and select the correct date range and Lean Body Weight from among the various graphing options.)

The lean body weight tracking we use is based upon your current weight and the following formula. From your current weight calculate the number of pounds that is equal to your current �X� percentage of fat. (That is the number of pounds of fat on your body.) The remaining percentage of your weight is your non-fat lean body weight. This is composed of muscle and other lean tissue, water, bone, blood and minerals. Over an extended period of time (even considering periodic water retention,) the levels of water, bone, blood and minerals remain fairly constant.
Author Pauline Robinson

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Body Building Equipment for the Rest of Us

Large, bulging muscles like those found on the models of body building magazine covers are often what people associate with strength training. Of course, building muscles is part of this type of training program. There are other benefits that even women who don't want to "bulk up" can appreciate. Stronger muscles can reduce your risk of injury to your back and other parts of your body. Since your metabolism increases when you strength train, you can also maintain a healthy weight. Body building that results in large muscles typically involves long, strenuous workouts. To experience the results just mentioned, you would just need to perform body building exercises for 30 minutes, 3 times a week. What makes the difference in results you experience with strength training exercises is the body building equipment you use.

If you are interested in a moderate workout, you can simply add ankle or wrist weights to your existing low-impact workout. Adding a few extra pounds forces your heart and muscles to work harder. Weight vests are also an option if you are interested in defining your upper body. The key to success with this body building equipment is to make sure you don't put too much stress on your muscles, which can cause serious injury. Since these types of weights are easily adjustable, you can try out varying weight amounts to find the amount that will give you the best results without undue stress and strain.

A common body building regimen for professional bodybuilders is to focus on one set of muscles each workout. You can choose any order you wish. Since you can work your abdominal muscles on a daily basis, body building equipment that includes a platform for performing abdominal exercises is a good choice. Smith machines is equipment that features stations for performing different exercises. These machines generally feature a bench that you can use to perform bench presses as well as crunches or sit-ups. These machines can cost upwards of $500, but low-end Smith machines such as the Body Solid Powerline that costs less than $500 are perfect for a basic body building program.

For "spot" workouts, bodybuilding exercises that focus on one muscle group, there are numerous types of body building equipment available on the market. Within this market there are numerous kinds of body building equipment for light-to-moderate body building exercises. A good starter piece of equipment that you can purchase anywhere is a chin-up bar. This equipment costs as little as $10 and fits in any doorway of your home. Push ups are perfect for any type of exercise program. Although you can perform pushups without special equipment, purchasing a pair of pushup stands can provide extra support for your wrists. This equipment is also great for traveling. Dip stands may not fit in your suitcase, but you can easily slide them in a corner of a room when they are not in use. Dip stands are used to perform exercises that work the arms and abdominals. If you're creative you can easily design other upper and lower-body exercises. The equipment listed here is only a percentage of what is available on the market. You can find more detailed information about body building equipment at
by: Nicky Pilkington

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Atkins Diet -- The Final Verdict

Supporters of the Atkins Diet claim that a low carbohydrate diet is a safe and effective method for losing weight. This article evaluates the low carbohydrate diet and specifically the claims made about ketosis.

The Low Carb-Ketosis Link

By severely limiting carbohydrates in your diet, the main energy source used by your body, glucose, drops to low levels. In return, insulin levels also drop. With low glucose and low insulin levels, the body turns to alternative sources of energy.

Because of a significant change in your body's chemistry when on the Atkins Diet, certain metabolic pathways are turned "on" that are normally not "on" or run at very low levels. One such pathway involves the breakdown of fat, called Beta-Oxidation of Fats.

Now, normally fats are broken down to produce energy when your body senses a need. But in the context of a low Carb diet, the normal breakdown pathway of fats is altered and an alternative pathway kicks in. This alternative pathway produces what are called ketone bodies.

Ketosis is the term used to describe when ketone bodies are circulating in your bloodstream. The ketone bodies can be used as alternative sources of energy by, most importantly, your brain.

In case you might be curious, the three ketone bodies produced by this alternative pathway for breaking down fat are acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone. These ketone bodies are formed in your liver and then are transported to other tissues, mainly the brain. In your brain, they are converted back to a form that can provide direct energy during times of starvation.

Here is the whole process...

  1. Atkins Diet lowers glucose and insulin (the body's main energy source)

  2. Alternative pathways are turned "on" to provide energy

  3. One alternative pathway breaks down fat and produces ketone bodies

  4. Ketone bodies represent the state called ketosis

  5. The brain uses ketone bodies as an alternative source of energy

So, the Atkins Diet (and any low Carb diet) produces a low energy state (low glucose) that causes the breakdown fat using an alternative pathway that leads to the development of ketosis.

So far it sounds pretty good. By limiting Carbs in your diet, you can essentially force your body into breaking down stored fat, the very thing you need to get rid of to lose weight.

But there are problems...

Atkins Diet and Toxicity

Ketone bodies are toxic. Many supporters of low Carb diets claim that ketosis is safe. They state that they are natural byproducts of fat breakdown and even babies have high levels of circulating ketone bodies.

First, they are not natural by-products of fat metabolism. The normal beta-oxidation of fats does produce ketone bodies but these are incorporated into the normal cycle of energy production, called the Krebs cycle. When ketone bodies are circulating in your bloodstream, it signals an abnormal physiologic state, called starvation. They are not incorporated into the normal energy cycle, the Krebs cycle, and spill into the bloodstream.

Just because your body has the ability to transport ketone bodies to certain tissues and then use them for energy, does not make it a normal process. It is an alternative pathway that turns "on" only when your body is faced with depleted levels of the main energy source, glucose.

Secondly, babies are not small adults. A baby's liver and brain tissue are made up of different chemicals and pathways, specifically geared to handle the high fat diet coming from mother's milk. These pathways change as a baby grows and starts to eat other foods. Eventually, the normal adult pathways are set up and the infantile chemistry used as evidence to support the safety of ketosis, stop working.

But this is not even related to the fact that ketone bodies are toxic. In medicine, the three ketone bodies mentioned above are classified as toxic acidic chemicals. At high levels, they can cause your blood to become too acidic, a disease state called ketoacidosis.

Granted, this is rare because most of the ketone bodies will be used by the brain as an energy source. Ketoacidosis is usually seen in type 1 diabetics. It is a medical emergency.

So, is ketosis dangerous to your body? Yes and no. Yes, ketosis represents a state of starvation. Losing weight when the body thinks you're starving is the best way to guarantee weight regain. The weight will come back and come back as fat. No, ketosis will not cause ketoacidosis in non-diabetics. And as long as you have a large storage of fat, your brain will not starve for energy.

The Final Verdict

  1. As an alternative physiologic state, ketosis is not dangerous, assuming the levels of ketone bodies do not increase to acidic levels.

  2. As a diet plan, ketogenic diets are not recommended because of the state of starvation they create. Your metabolism will eventually slow down setting you up for weight regain in the near the future.

  3. Ketogenic diets, like the Atkins Diet, may also be dangerous not because they cause ketosis, but because they promote high protein and fat intake. High protein diets, unless you're body building, increases urea production and can damage the kidneys. Supporters claim that this just doesn't happen, reporting that no kidney damage has occurred to the millions of dieters on Atkins Diet or other ketogenic diets.

    However, it is well known that microscopic damage can occur to the kidneys effecting their ability to filter the blood. But clinical signs of this damage may take several years to manifest. Chronic renal insufficiency is a concern for ketogenic dieters, which may cause problems in the years to come.


Atkins Diet and other ketogenic diets (low Carb) can be safe and effective in causing weight loss. However, I recommend keeping ketosis to a minimum and keep your carbohydrate intake above 50 grams a day. Don't follow the suggestions for reaching an "induction" phase. It's not necessary to turn "on" the alternative pathways described above and burn fat.

Remember, healthy weight loss is to burn fat and fat only. But it also involves keeping your rate of weight loss around 2-3 pounds/week. The induction phase promoted by the Atkins Diet can result in a rate of weight loss far greater than 2-3 pounds/week. It may sound good to you now, but how does gaining it all back as fat sound? Because that will happen if you lose weight too fast.
To Healthy Living!
Dr. Michael A. Smith

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Are You Too Old to Pump Iron?

Are you too old for weight lifting? Will weight lifting helpyou stay and look younger? The answer to the first question is no and to the second is a resounding yes. Weight lifting will help both men and women stay fit and supple and might even help you look younger. And, no matter what your age, you're not too old to start.

Dr.Walter Bortz, in The Journal of the American Medical Association, 1982, stated that a number of the physical changes we undergo as we age, such as loss of muscle tone, organ deterioration, and osteoporosis are "indistinguishable whether caused by age or inactivity." He believed that exercise could delay many of the diseases associated with aging, adding "at least a portion of the changes commonly attributed to aging are in reality caused by disuse and, as such, subject to correction".

As we age, we lose bone density and muscle mass. We get stiff and our joints creak. Instead of using our body, we "rest" it even more, starting a very dangerous downward spiral. The synovial fluid dries up, the tendons become brittle, the sinews grow weak. It hurts to move, so we don't.

More recently Dr Henry Lodge and Chris Cowley published a new book on this theme, "Younger Next Year: A Guide to Living Like 50 Until You're 80 and Beyond". The premise of this book is that weight lifting will help reverse the loss of both bone density and muscle mass that begins to take place as we get older. And they're not talking about light weights, but rather big heavy weights.

In July 1983, Terry Todd wrote in Sports Illustrated that "Anyone who has spent much time in what is sometimes called the "Iron Game" has, of course, seen weight trainers over 40 whose physiques were.surprisingly youthful. Apparently there is something about the act of regularly stressing your body with heavy exercise that gives it the wherewithal to resist the visual manifestations of advancing age.research in this area suggests that men and women of middle age will respond to systemic progressive resistance with weights by becoming more powerful and more flexible, with more endurance and less fat."

In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control reported that strength training "can be very powerful in reducing the signs and symptoms of numerous diseases and chronic conditions, among them:arthritis,diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, back pain and depression."

Strength training will also increase your flexibility and balance, which decreases the likelihood and severity of falls. One study in New Zealand in women 80 years of age and older showed a 40% reduction in falls with simple strength and balance training.

I don't agree that we need to undertake heavy weight training to see substantial benefits.

The American College of Sports Medicine strength training guidelines say we should start with at least two days a week of any type of resistance exercise by doing 8 to 10 different exercises and doing 8 to 12 repetitions per day. A repetition is how many times you lift the weight or do the exercise.

So start off with a weight that you can lift correctly for at least 8 reps, even if it's only 2 to 5 pounds. Rest between each set of repetitions and between each exercise. If you can't make it to 8 reps during the first few tries, don't give up. Do as much as you can do. You'll be suprised at how soon you will feel like you need to add a bit more weight.

But the goal is not to become a body builder, but rather to restore your muscle tone and joint movement. You can gradually work your way up to heavier weights if you desire, but you will obtain the best benefit by avoiding injury and sticking to the program - lifting weights every two or three days.

An excellent resource on this subject is Getting Stronger: Weight Training for Men and Women by Bill Pearl and Gary Moran, Ph.D. I have the edition that came out in 1986. A newer one is now available. I have referred to it constantly over the last 19 years.

The book gives you tips and pointers on how to set up a strength training regime. There are illustrations of every exercise with step by step instructions on how to do them properly.

You can either learn beginning to advanced body building, sports fitness routines to help you do better in 22 different sports, exercises to help prevent injuries at work or just the principles of general conditioning and strength training.

And you don't need any fancy equipment to get going. Almost all the exercises use cheap dumbbells and weights that are available in just about every sporting goods store. All in all, this is a very comprehensive book on weight training and is especially helpful to those of us who have never lifted weights before.

If you have any disease, injury or physical disability, consult the doctor who has been treating you before undertaking these exercises. Follow his advice on how to get started and do not strength train if he says not to.

Start off slowly with light weights. Follow the diagrams in the book to make sure you're positioning your body correctly to avoid injury and obtain the best result from your workout.

After several weeks, you will be well on your way to improving your appearance, physique and general attitude toward life, while doing wonders for you internal organs and maybe even fighting off disease. "Use it or lose it" applies to just about every part of your body. Don't "lose it" because of inactivity and disuse.

This article is for informational purposes only. It does not purport to offer medical advice. Consult a qualified physician before undertaking any exercise program.
By: Jean Bowler

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Anywhere and Anytime Exercises

These type of Exercises generally makes your body strong and firm. No matter, you are Exercising or Muscle Building or Body Building, these exercises are quite handy and help a lot.

Here are few Anytime and Anywhere Exercises:-

a) Crunch

Lie down on the floor on your back with your feet up on the couch or something. Give support to your neck with the help of cushion. Place your buttocks as near as possible to the couch. Lock your elbows. Now slowly raise your head off the ground just a few inches. Hold on to the raised position for 2 secs and then slowly come down.

Repeat this exercise 20 times to make one set.It will really build your abs and you will feel it.

b) Raising your Toes and then coming down.

Stand on a floor flatfooted with toes pointing straight.Hold onto something to balance yourself. Now VERY SLOWLY, raise your toes as high as possible. Hold on for 2 secs and come down very gently and slowly. Repeat it 20 times to make one set.

c) Push ups

Lie down on the floor facing towards the floor with your body weight on your palms.Now slowly , push your body up keeping your back straight and facing right ahead. Hold onto 2 secs and then slowly bring your body back to the starting position.

Repeat it 5-10 times in the beginning and then try to practice this exercise 20 times per set.

d) Wall Squat

Stand straight with your back against the wall. Now, gently move your body down to the sitting position. Make sure your back is still against the wall.Hold on to 15 secs and then gently move up keeping your back against the wall again.

Repeat it 5-10 times in the beginning and then try to practice this exercise 20 times per set.

Treadmill is one other important option which works for you 24/7 and 12 months a year even in rains, winter, snow, sun. Know more about treadmills and how to make optimum use of it here before buying it.

You can always try Yoga or Aerobics if you seriously want to shed off some weight .Muscle Building is one great way to keep yourself in shape and burn those extra calories
by: Jasdeep Singh

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Advantages Of A Gym Exercise Equipment

Now is a good season for the health conscious to check up on the latest in gym exercise equipment. A wide variety of gym exercise equipment is available in the market each designed to tone the specific part of the body. So for that lasting impression as you stride down the beach and flaunt it, here are some of the important aspects in choosing the right gym exercise equipment for you.

Know your body: whether you want to sport the firm and fit type or something as insanely huge as the Hulk, gamma radiation included, everyone has their own preference. For a first-timer, choosing the right gym exercise equipment can be attained in two ways: purchasing it from a sports store or to sign up in one of hundreds of gym establishments in the city.

One advantage in using the gym exercise equipment in a gym is the selection of commercial models that will help you get in shape, if not faster then better. Commercial gym exercise equipment are a little more complicated to use, often with digital readouts and other computerized systems attached, but the outcome after using the machine does show fantastic results after a few weeks. In addition to commercial gym exercise equipment, trainers are available to help you draw up a program to achieve that attention-grabbing body you always wanted. Be it in a posh place like Gold's Gym, or a neighborhood one that offers fifty bucks per session, these establishments hold the upper hand when it comes to quality gym exercise equipment.

Home gym exercise equipment is something a little more easy to use and compact enough that you can stow it away in your closet after two hours of working out. Convenience is all about the home gym exercise equipment, especially if they are the shy type who could not stand to flaunt themselves in public, even in a gym. They can be as attractive to look at like their commercial counterparts, but with a price tag that is a bit easy on the pocket. They require little effort when adjusting the setting to get out its maximum exercise performance.

A first-timer can acquire and use the home exercise equipment without too much flub. But as he or she gains experience, and not to mention a greater body, they go for more body specific machines that will bring out the best in (and out of) them. All they have to do is to draw a layout of his or her personalized body building program from books and go from there.

Know your self, as well as your body. Whether you purchased it in a store, or holding a gleaming member's card, gym exercise equipment is the next best thing since the home-made dumbbells and barbells out of cement on a pair of large milk cans and a metal water pipe.
Author Charlene J. Nuble

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1st Thing You Need To Change in Starting Up a home biz

Home business is a great opportunity to get your own freedom. If you are like me who doesn't like to work with others, who values more freedom than job security, then you are in need of doing your own business. Personally I hate waking up early in the morning just because I have to go to the office and get caught in traffic jam and wasting
my valuable time in the road.

Like Robert Kiyosaki says "Mind Your Own Business". So the first thing you need to change is your MINDSET. If you never have your own business before and you always work with others then you need to change your employee mindset into a business owner mindset.

It's not easy to start your own business. You need to start it with the right attitude. The attitude will define your success in future. You must understand that building a business is NOT a get rich quick scheme. It takes time before you will get the fruits of the business. Every successful business owners start their business from nothing with struggles and perseverance.
Its pretty similar with body building, you need to spend enough time and effort before you start seeing your muscle increasing in mass.

Try to ask yourself, Am I a risk taker? it means willingness to learn and try again if failing, 100% business owners will succeed just because they have "Never Quit" attitude.
Do I have time and money to be invested into my business?
Most people who quit doing their home based business is just because they don't treat it like other business. You must realise that ALL business needs TIME & MONEY to be invested. You need to make an INVESTMENT. Fortunately with the internet, home business owner can leverage their time and money.

Author Heri Rosyadi

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The Importance Of Water

Find out exactly what you need!
Water is a fundamental part of our lives. It is easy to forget how completely we depend on it. Human survival is dependent on water - water has been ranked by experts as second only to oxygen as essential for life. The water you drink literally becomes you! Since such a large percentage of our bodies is water, water must obviously figure heavily in how our bodies function. We need lots of fresh water to stay healthy. Aside from aiding in digestion and absorption of food, water regulates body temperature, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removes toxins and other wastes. This "body water" also cushions joints and protects tissues and organs, including the spinal cord, from shock and damage. Conversely, lack of water (Dehydration) can be the cause of many ailments.

Water and Weight loss
Among it's other benefits, water plays a major part in weight loss. Since water contains no calories, it can serve as an appetite suppressant, and helps the body metabolize stored fat; it may possibly be one of the most significant factors in losing weight.

Drinking more water helps to reduce water retention by stimulating your kidneys. Studies have recommended that if you are overweight according to average height and weight comparison charts, you should add one glass of water to your daily requirement (of eight glasses) for every 25 pounds over your recommended weight.

Dehydration leads to excess body fat, poor muscle tone & size, decreased digestive efficiency & organ function, increased toxicity, joint & muscle soreness, & water retention. Water works to keep muscles and skin toned.

Digestive Systems
The digestion of solid foods depends on the presence of copious amounts of water. Constipation is a frequent symptom of dehydration. Increased water, along with increased fiber, will usually totally eliminate a problem. Pain from ulcers and heartburn all decrease with increased water intake. Water eliminates toxins and water from the body.

Water Loss
Adults lose nearly 6 pints (12 cups) of water every day. We lose 1/2 cup to 1 cup a day from the soles of our feet. Another 2 to 4 cups is lost from breathing. Perspiration accounts for another 2 cups. Another 3 pints (6 cups) are lost in urine.

Water Retention
If you're not drinking sufficient water, your body starts retaining water to compensate for this shortage. To eliminate fluid retention, drink more water, not less. If you don't drink enough water to maintain your body's fluid balance, you can impair every aspect of your body's physiological function.

Water lubricates our joints. The cartilage tissues found at the ends of long bones and between the vertebrae of the spine hold a lot of water, which serves as a lubricant during the movement of the joint. Joint pain frequently decreases with increased water intake and flexing exercises to bring more circulation to the joints.

75% of the upper body weight is supported by the water volume that is stored in the spinal disc core. 25% is supported by the fibrous materials around the disc. Back pain is frequently alleviated with hydration.

How much water should you drink?
A non active person needs a half ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. That is ten 8 ounce glasses a day if your weight is 160 pounds. For every 25 pounds you exceed you ideal weight, increase it by one 8 ounce glass. An active, athletic person needs 2/3 ounce per pound which is 13-14 8 ounce glasses a day if you're 160 pounds. The more you exercise the more water you need. Spread out your water intake throughout the day. Do not drink more than 4 glasses within any given hour. After a few weeks your bladder calms down and you will urinate less frequently, but in larger amounts.
The Importance Of Water

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UFC veteran Kimo Leopoldo has been arrested earlier today and charged with charged with possession of a controlled substance according to TMZ. He was spotted wearing Long Beach Police Dept. jumpsuit and was stopped by police. His car was searched and meth was found. He is still in police custody.

Two weeks ago Kimo applied for the Executive Office Position of the California State Athletic Commission. I just don’t see that happening now.

Kimo is best known for his wars with Royce Gracie and Ken Shamrock back in the early days of the UFC. He has not competed since October 2006.

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Arnold on the Squat by Arnold Schwarzenegger

When I was first learning how to train, I used to do full squats. I did them exclusively for the thighs. I labored under the belief that if I did my full squats faithfully on a firm reps and sets basis, I would get everything I needed in the way of thighs. Over the years my thinking has changed considerably.

Everybody does squats: weightlifters, bodybuilders, football players, track athletes and even ballet dancers. The squat increases the power, speed and spring of the legs. When practiced with heavy breathing, it permanently expands the rib cage. It can help you gain weight. It can help you lose weight. with these multiple benefits, the squat goes on record and the best all-around exercise.

Well, if it could do all these things, how come I even bothered to change my style of squatting? My business is bodybuilding, first of all. It's nice to have all the capabilities of the athlete, and I accept them as a side effect of doing squats. However, I am more directly concerned with defining and shaping my thighs for the purposes of some things from my standpoint, and other things from yours which I think everybody should know.

The full squat, all the way down and all the way up, has the advantage of working a lot of other body parts besides the thighs; like back, glutes and chest. They certainly developed the lumbar muscles of my lower back, That was a terrific advantage. The disadvantage was that 50 percent of the effort worked my thighs, and at least 30 percent worked my glutes. I found that the first third of the movement of coming up from a full squat worked my glutes. The final two-thirds of the movement worked the entire thigh, but no particular part. So, what happened was my rear got big, and my thighs got bulky and shapeless. Nether of these two effects served my purpose for bodybuilding.

There are several ways to do squats. The most conventional of these remains the regular squat with the barbell resting on the shoulders behind the neck and a movement consisting of a full deep knee bend with return for the fully erect position. There is the half squat - half way down and all the way up -- that may also be done astride a bench of protection against going too deep. Another is the tension squat where you don't lock out your knees at the top. You drop three-quarters of the way down and return to a position three-quarters of the way up. The movement is performed through the middle half of the entire range of movement. There is the jump squat which is excellent for weightlifters and other athletes interested in getting extra spring and starting power. Front squats, where the weight is held across the chest, is done with a straight bar. The sissy squat involves only the front quadriceps and is done with the hips held forward, dipping low using knee flexion only. The hack squat is done with the barbell held behind the legs, or on the specially designed hack machine. The one-legged squat rounds out the basic list of the most familiar forms of the squat.

For me, the only advantage of the full squat was that it built my back along with my thighs. As a result I was able to deadlift 700 pounds. If you want power, the full squat is the way to get it. If it's shape and size you want, then there are several different and better ways, such as I described.

Position of the feet exerts different pressures and enables you to concentrate on different areas of the thighs. For instance, when you put your feet close together and parallel, all the effort of the squat goes into the quadriceps and gives the thigh a front sweep look. It should be done with a block under the heels for better balance. A friend of mine, Karl Schranz, world champion skier to many years, worked his legs that way using as much as 400 pounds. Skiers everywhere are now doing this exercise.

With the feet a normal width apart, say, about 18 inches, every area of the thigh, outside middle and inside, is worked in the regular squat movement. With the feet farther apart, toes pointed out, the effect of the squat is felt on the inside of the thigh. The heels may also be moved closer together with the toes still pointed out, and the inside thigh continues to be effected. The position of the feet largely determines which part of the thigh will work.

I have reverted to using the vertical sliding Smith machine for my squats. This machine enables me to concentrate on my legs. I can place my feet forward of the vertical line of my body, and I can't fall back, like I would using a barbell. Thus, with my back straight, feet about 10 inches apart, and my knees straight ahead. I do tension squats, going three-quarters of the way down and coming up to a position a quarter of the way form the top. The movement gives my thighs an incredible burn and gets the more lateral muscles. I always do this one before a contest. I burn out as many reps as I can, never completing a movement If you lock out, you give your muscles a chance to rest, and that 's not what you want. you have to torture the muscle with unusual training so that it will respond.

I used to use a lot of weight on the squat. Not anymore. I find now that concentration lends its own form of resistance. By thinking I can direct the effort, I can make every movement count, not only the sets. By doing the sliding squat on the sliding Smith machine, I am able to concentrate using less weight. I direct my attention to what the thighs are doing. I literally think the definition into them. The pleasure of my thought overrides the pain. The positive aspects of cuts and veins and shape spur me on, and the whole thing become a labor of love.

I would always have a beginner start with the parallel squat, five sets, starting with 20 reps and decreasing the number on subsequent sets, finishing with six reps. For the beginner I would increase the amount of weight only as I perceived his increased muscle size. I wouldn't try to rush his strength. I would experiment with him, vary his squatting post ion, try to find what was best for him. People have different structures, therefore they must utilize the "instinctive" training technique. A great bodybuilder like Frank Zane squats narrow while another great one like Ken Waller squats much wider, and both of them have sensational thighs. Everybody beginner, intermediate and advanced., alike, should all experiment with various foot positions to determine what favors them.

I usually warm up with 135 pounds, 30 reps, I drop to 20 reps on my second set, then down to 15 and 10 for the others. As I go down in reps, I go up in weight, peaking at about 400 pounds for eight reps.

I prefer to start out with leg extensions. I get more definition when they precede squats. By the time I get to the squat my legs feel numb, like I couldn't use another pound on anything. But after my first couple of squat sets the numbness goes away. The lingering transition makes my squats doubly effective in getting definition.

I wear a lifting belt for squats, but not tight. For guys who are afraid of getting sore, or who can't walk or exercise for a couple of days following leg work, I'd suggest they use the sauna or steam room and whirl pool after their workout. I let the heat penetrate me, and that usually relaxes me and dissipates any soreness.

I personally like the pain form training because it indicates I've worked hard enough for things to grow. It's a great satisfaction.

Some bodybuilders like to squat without a mirror in front of them. I like the mirror. It helps me keep in the groove. In order to see myself in it I have to keep my head up. That forces me to come up with my back more vertical which shifts the weight all to my legs. It allows me to see if I am twisting to the side, which is a bad habit to get into for the questionable pressures it puts on the spine.

You can guess by now that I have gotten away from using monstrous poundages on squats of any kind. My needs have forced me to find ways or doing leg work that develop cuts and definition along with size. I am still experimenting. Just remember, you have to apply the technique of quality training to your legs the same as the rest of your body. That means more sustained tension, shorter rests between sets, no rest between repetitions and, finally, total concentration. Do that, and you'll end up with great legs.

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Blast Your Back With Triple Drop Pre-Exhaust By Doberman Dan

Let's continue with some more "Triple Drop Pre-Exhaust" ideas like I mentioned in the last issue, but this time for working your back.

"Pre-exhaust" involves using an isolation exercise immediately before a compound exercise to pre-fatigue the muscle without involving the secondary muscle groups. For example, to pre-exhaust the pecs you would do a set of pec-deck or lying dumbbell flyes to failure immediately followed by flat or incline bench press.

The idea is this: The pec-deck or flyes works the pecs without involving the delts or triceps. So although your pecs are fatigued, your delts and tris are fresh so you can further blast your pecs by doing a set of bench presses immediately after the pec-deck or flyes.

I like another technique that utilizes the pre-exhaust idea in a different manner. In this issue let's use lats for example. Pick an isolation exercise for the lats. The only isolation exercise for the lats that does not directly involve the biceps is the pullover. If you have access to a Nautilus or Hammer Strength pullover machine, then great...use it! If not then you'll have to substitute dumbbell pullovers.

Select a weight that will allow you to complete 10 to 12 reps of the Pullover in good form with the last rep being the last one you can possibly complete without help. In other words, go to failure. Immediately reduce the weight approx. 30% and do another set without resting. Take that set to failure for however many reps you can complete. Again immediately reduce the weight approx. 30% and do a third set without resting. Take this third set to failure for however many reps you can complete.

Now rest about a minute and do a compound exercise for your lats. Let's use the Reverse Grip Pulldown for this example.

Your lats should be fairly fatigued if you performed the Pullovers as intensely as I described. Select a weight that allows you to complete 10 to 12 reps to failure. The weight you'll use will probably be significantly less than you normally use because of the pre-exhaust we did on the Pullover. Now just like on the Pullover, complete your first set to failure then immediately reduce the weight approx. 30% and do a second set without resting. Again immediately reduce the weight approx. 30% and do a third set to failure without resting.

This is a pretty intense technique and should probably only be utilized very sporadically. In fact, I would recommend waiting at least 7 days before you train lats again after a session of "Triple Drop Pre-Exhaust".

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The Seven Sacred Rules for Packing on Muscle Weight You Should Never Break

Eat at least five times a day, every two to three hours. You must keep your system saturated with amino acids and glycogen from protein and carb sources, respectively, if you want to push muscle growth to abnormal levels. You never know when your body will need these precious nutrients. What's more, not eating every few hours can cause the starvation mechanism to kick in, which signals your body to begin consuming its own muscle tissue.

Center your bodybuilding program around the big compound movements, such as squats and presses. You should strive for maximum efficiency of effort, or to work as many muscle groups as possible with as few sets as possible. Squats, for example, train not only your quads but also your lower back and glutes, so direct work for the muscles that assist during the squat should be minimal. This leaves more of your recovery ability to help in the growth process when you're out of the gym.

Don't do more than 30 all-out work sets at any workout, and less is usually better. Overtraining is the number one reason most bodybuilders can't pack on muscle weight.

Don't train more than two days in a row. Your muscles aren't the only things that have to recover after a heavy workout; your entire nervous system needs a rest too.

Have a protein drink immediately after every traning session. Research indicates that boosting insulin levels right after an intense workout promotes muscle protein synthesis, which leads to faster growth.

Take a break after four to six weeks of high intensity training. Either take a full week off or downshift your intensity for two weeks. This lets you recuperate fully and in many cases promotes a new growth spurt.

Keep your cruise control on. Try to keep your cool during the day no matter what. Getting overly excited can stress you out and cause excessive energy burn, energy your body could be using to fuel extraordinary muscle growth.